For this project, I feel like I was able to create a good animation with the jelly and the clown faces and produce a clean projection. I could pull off the art show without many problems besides forgetting my tripod and having it break when I was set up. I think it was an excellent idea to purchase the Madmapper demo because even though I had that setback, the pre-mapped projection helped me a lot when I set up my projector. Another thing I'm pleased about is the fact that the projector I bought for this project was wireless. The doll house had a cubby space, so it helped give the illusion that the projections for my remix project and the faces on and around the stuffed animals were real toys. When making the jello animation, I struggled a little because I wanted to try using Illustrator, but it looked too clean. The shapes weren’t as varied to make it look jiggly, so I decided to do it in Procreate, and it made it much easier to trace over the frames and add variety. The faces didn’t take as long, but they were tedious because I had to copy the same frame several times to smooth the transition between the expression and eyes. Another thing I liked was that I could tie in my project with the remix project by making the clown faces progressively sadder and by having the jello animation in the corner with the faces around the small stuffed animals. I feel like I was able to convey some ignorance about the projection from the top.