After reading this article it expressed the idea of the underground or some exclusivity being gone as the Internet has become so prominent in our lives. It’s important to acknowledge that with the Internet, it is hard to have something exclusively underground that no one knows about because everyone has access to it. I wanted to upload it on the Internet when I first clicked on the article and thought it would be about music because when you think of the underground, you feel about it. However, when I mentioned how it is the same with us, especially with photography collections, I understood how creating that sense of individuality does not coexist with being on the Internet. It was good that they mentioned how quickly it is possible to get famous on the Internet and just ask quickly to get canceled or not popular anymore. I feel like it did a good job pointing out how, although it is great that's how many people could help boost artists’ work and make them famous so quickly. It also takes away from the ability to experience and learn how to deal with mistakes without having such significant consequences. As an artist myself, I feel that does play a huge part not only just in art but in any aspect of being on the Internet and I think that with our technological advancements, it has become harder to feel Like you can post something and make a mistake without getting ostracized for it. This allowed me to reflect a bit, and I felt like all of this is true, and maybe the idea of something being underground may not exist anymore to the extent of what it truly is. This allows us to see how artists should develop in a space where you can easily climb up but fall back down.
Sidestepping the Digital Demimonde Independent study reading