Reading the article” What is Hacktivism?” by DANAE reminded me a lot of what we learned in class, but it also helped me realize how it’s okay to break out into new things as technology advances. I know that Corrina’s classes focus a lot on working with different programs, and we use AI to take something controversial and scary and help work it into our art. I feel like the article did a great job of pointing out the versatility of using the internet/web for art and acknowledging the number of things you can do in it by pushing it further, going into places, and using things that maybe you shouldn’t, for art is allowed. For example, the artist mentioned in the article made a piece using surveillance footage. It was good that it also talked about the initial start of hacktivism, as the technology at the time was much less advanced and standard than it is now. I felt that because it has advanced to the point where it is a space where you find anything and everything, it also allows us to critique it and point out the flaws within such a vast material with our art. I thought that it was interesting that a lot of the hacktivism that happens today is essentially political or feels political because, in the article, the descriptions of different artists and their most notable works felt like they were commenting on society and the internet by taking things from the internet and creating something new.
What is Hacktivism Remix Reading Response